Making a difference – research guide was developed at Mentone Girls’ Secondary College (MGSC), Victoria, Australia, by teacher -librarians Lesley Burgess and Shirley Melissas and revised in 2014 by Camilla Elliott. A major objective is to make it quicker and easier for staff at the school to deliver quality teaching and learning by translating some of the ideas from the plethora of professional development activities into the classroom.
This CD Making a difference – research guide focuses on facilitating teachers to apply higher order thinking skills by using Bloom’s Taxonomy. It also simplifies Gardiner ’s multiple intelligences and Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats, providing practical suggestions for their inclusion in classrooms.
Making a difference – research guide also provides strategies to support other stages of the research process. Selection of material as a research skill is scaffolded by incorporating an internet appraisal form which can be printed and used with students. Such a skill is vital today as students’ first choice is increasingly the internet rather than books. Internet users need to acquire the skills to distinguish between the over abundance of largely unvetted low quality information or ‘data smog’ (Principia Cybernetica, 1999) and authoritative sites.
The Revised Edition of Making a Difference CD is entirely self-contained with an easy to use installer.
It can be run from the CD or installed onto your computer or the school network. Users need to run shellrun.exe and make sure that you Enable Pop-up in your Browser
Compilers: Lesley Burgess and Shirley Melissas
Media production: Studio 673 Pty Ltd
Illustrations: Emily Ryan
Editing: Qed Publishing Services Pty Ltd
Editing: Revised edition: Camilla Elliott
Item #: PRRSCD180005
Physical Description: 1 CD-ROM, 12 cm.