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The School Library Association of Victoria offers dynamic and inspiring opportunities for teacher-librarians and library teams to build their essential role in engaging and developing lifelong learners.

  • Leadership: Enhancing awareness of global educational research, innovation and best practice in school libraries.
  • Advocacy: Articulating the role of the school library as a partner in the learning and teaching process.
  • Collegiality: Connecting members through a local and a state-wide network and community. We have 20 regional branches and all members have a voice through these branches and their regular meetings on SLAV council.

(As defined in the 2013 SLAV Rules for an Incorporated Association Adopted by SLAV Council 20 July 2013)

Our Statement on School Libraries can be downloaded here.

Statement on School Libraries

School libraries are central to the school’s community of learning.

They reflect and contribute to the achievement of the school’s mission by:
  • Providing an engaging and welcoming physical and virtual cultural space that is challenging, inspiring and secure,
  • Unlocking the potential for learning through the support of independent and collaborative learning opportunities that encourage critical and creative thinking and enrich student outcomes,
  • Managing and curating equitable, inclusive and diverse physical and digital collections that reflect both a local and global perspective,
  • Initiating programs that develop literacy, information literacy, a reading culture and essential lifelong learning skills,
  • Guiding the school community to become digital citizens, competent in the safe and ethical use of information.  

Qualified school library professionals have the knowledge and skills to collaborate with teachers to achieve curriculum outcomes.

Ratified SLAV Council 1st December 2018

Printable Download (.pdf)


The School Library Association of Victoria acknowledges the support of the Department of Education Training Victoria, through the Strategic Partnerships Program.

Affiliations and Partners

State Library of Victoria – Learning Services Division 

School Library Association of NSW (SLANSW)

School Library Association of Queensland (SLAQ) 

Western Australia School Library Association (WASLA) 

Australian Coalition for School Libraries (ACSL)

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) 


International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) 

Council of Professional Teaching Associations of Victoria (CPTAV) 


This committee works directly with Councillors. The Committee of Management comprises the Executive of the Association, plus co-opted members. The Committee of Management meets on a regular basis throughout the year and acts as the executive decision making body of the Associations between Council meetings.

President: Di Ruffles
Vice President: Diana Kelly
Secretary: Lynn Swannell
Treasurer: Rhonda Powling
Extraordinary Member: Susan O'Malley
SLAV Executive Officer: Pam Saunders –

The SLAV council is the major policy and decision making forum of the Association and is made up of the Committee of Management, one representative from each branch plus co-opted members.

The SLAV Council is comprised of the Committee of Management, Professional Learning Chair, Editors of Synergy, FYI , Website, SLAVConnects and a representative from each Branch.

SLAV council meets on a regular basis, at least 5 times a year, and branches are encouraged to ensure that they are represented at council meetings.

Each Branch Councillor attends and takes part in the vote at any Council meeting that he/she attends. By convention, the Councillors represent the view of their Branch they represent, although they may vote differently from their Branch advice if new information is made available during the discussion at the Council meeting.

Editor: Dr Susan La Marca
Dr Rosemary Abbott
Nell Day
Camilla Elliott
Dr Kasey Garrison
Mary Manning
Pru Mitchell
Dianne Ruffles
Margaret Sinnott
Joy Whiteside

FYI, in line with the Association mission statement, will inform members, inspire them, and serve as a record of the Association and its activities.

The committee is a dynamic group attempting to represent the breadth of the Association, who work with, and support, the editor in the production of FYI. Guest members are occasionally invited to join the committee and the group is open to input from all possible sources.

FYI Editor – Mary Manning –

Editorial Committee
Alida Galati
Lena Hume-Twining
Karen Malbon
Aimee Murphy
Bianca Oder
Sue Osborne
Chloe Powell
Ashley Ratcliffe
Shirley Wong

SLAV Rules of Association – Endorsed 2013


Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012


For an




Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012

Part 3

table of provisions

 Rules for an Incorporated Association

Learn more

FYI: the journal for the information professional. FYI is the quarterly print publication from the School Library Association of Victoria.
Synergy (ISSN 1448-5716) is published twice annually (May and October) by the School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV).

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