Personal Memberships
Student membership |
$125 |
Retired membership |
$125 |
Personal membership |
$185 |
School Memberships
Based on number of Students
Schools with less than 500 students |
$175 |
Schools with 500-1000 students |
$295 |
Schools with 1001-1500 students |
$385 |
Schools with 1501-2000 students |
$495 |
School with 2001+ students |
$575 |
Other School Memberships
Primary school only |
$175 |
Interstate/International Schools |
$185 |
Miscellaneous Memberships
Corporate membership |
$295 |
All prices are inclusive of GST.
For Membership inquires contact the SLAV secretariat or phone: 0477 439 593. Download membership form or
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